Giveaway winner: 
I will be emailing you shortly for your size preferences and address 🙂 
Thank you everyone for entering! Please be sure you stop by Sara’s newly re-opened shop for goodies of your own! 
Search Engines: 
I’m not sure how many of you bloggers like to track these sorts of things… almost every day I peek to check what searches brought people to my blog. I seriously love it… every once in a while it brings me a good laugh. 
Here are some of the searches that I liked the best: 
(if any of these were one of you, thanks for putting a smile on face)
-im bad at planning and organization ocd
breastfeeding is a bitch
-an open letter from my mother for the man that i love
-picuters of ice cream makers
-eric drea marlowe
-drea eric garlic (I found out later this was Eric trying to mess with me. Har har, jerk)
im proud of my mother because
-what will scare kids to not eat boogers anymore
-if you love me lets make it work letters
-“always barefoot”
-thanks for being with me through the hard life
-my worst nightmare
-what a vegans pantry looks like
-pizza takeaway post comment
i wish someone will play with my nipples
-how do i wash my bbycks
“was fed and happy”
it’s difficult to be good, but it isn’t easy being bad
in complicated relationship with my right hand
-everyones face lit up in every bite
-i love matchy matchy
-drea florida pregnant
excited my boobs
-daughter with dilated eyes
-worst bathroom nightmare
-composition on the day i disappear before my 12 birthday
Blogs I’ve been on lately:

Check out this design blog where my home was featured 🙂
I found my grocery store list on this skin care blog! Other than the pregnancy/breast-feeding hormones causing some pimples here and there, I would have to say my skin is extra healthy now that I’m vegan 🙂
Also, check out my quick interview for this blog! 🙂
Marlowe’s dress: gift from Mandy at Opal 🙂

Okay, that is all for now. I may be on and off for a little while, dont miss me too much (I’m kidding). Have a great evening! 


  1. @crystal — there is a stats option through blogger. I'm not sure how one would through other sites.