It was another Stitch Rock weekend here in South Florida. I felt like c-r-a-p, but Kristine and I didn’t want to miss the fun and decided to head down to the craft fair anyway.
Marlowe got her first taste (actually….many tastes) of a popsicle. Her adorable face was loving the kiwi lime goodness…. and so was: my sling, my dress, my hands and my arms.
It is crazy the difference a year makes. A year ago Marlowe could have cared less if popsicles never existed. This time around she’s… well.. you know… full size (ish), a popsicle queen, and you know, umm, HUGE. &I’m not in crippling pain after baby birth! This was us last year at Stitch Rock:
I picked up the most perfect necklace ever from Lemoree. It seemed like it was made for me. I rarely wear jewelry unless it holds a really special value in my life, and this one sure put a smile on my face. I picked up an amazing 5$ skirt from Family Vintage, and with my last dollar I picked up two magnets from the talented, pug loving, Danny Brito. AND Marlowe was given a leggy little monster as a birthday gift from Stitches are Forever.
Sunday there was morning brunch with my brother &sister-in-law. Followed by massive amounts of laying around and trying-to-feel-better time, walks to coffee &Michelle time, &then these beautiful people showed up at my door:
Marlowe in her new itty bitty hair clip c/o Up a Tree Cup a Tea that arrived Saturday!
We went for a walk where little miss Marlowe kept trying to hightail it in the opposite direction. Alex joined us as we then stopped for a day time wine (my friends who know me well are now very confused. I do not in any way have a drink during the day). My beautiful Miami people parted ways and Alex and I were off to dinner with my family.
It was a great, slightly groggy two days. I hope everyone had a great weekened!
@fleur de moi: nordstrom, but they are nine west <3
@keenlove: It's a looma. It is sold in Sweden.
Looks like you had a great weekend! Where did you get those awesome red sandals?
ok so my husband has been obsessively asking me if tank tops are back in style. your brother has officially swayed the answer to yes and my boy is going to be very, very excited 😉
Sounds like a fun weekend. I love craft fairs.
I love your style 🙂 And your little one is adorable!
Love the sling. I've been looking for a good one. Where did you get yours?
I love your headscarf. And Marlowe's dress is adorable. Eeep! She's so stylish. xo, rv