Petite Eco KIDS is a WONDERFUL resource spot for parents (or one day parents) to find: the best eco-friendly toys, adorable organic clothes, gifts, and even all-natural body care for their little ones. Petite Eco KIDS has everything from handmade, organic, eco-friendly, to fair-trade, and even vintage items. There’s a little bit of everything for everyone, but you can be sure that every item offered, is a perfect fit for families loving all things unique and natural.  
And be sure to check out…
…. a really wonderful blog to add to your reader.
Everything from: 
-amazing DIY’s and crafts such as these adorable bunny ears (that I will NEED to make for M in the very near future)
-organic kids fashion (even I can say that I like these fashion posts! The clothes are just too great!)
gift guides (you won’t and can’t go wrong with one of these gift ideas)
-&a great story time section. 

You can (&should):

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Hopefully this marketplace and blog will brighten your week a bit 🙂