Marlowe was off with her dad today (he’s recently changed our schedule). I took the day to myself to do absolutely nothing and everything. My only goal was to: clean, blog, eat, and be merry. Goal accomplished. It was a perfect day with the best people. I always miss Marlowe dearly, and I catch myself looking at photos of her constantly. I was so happy to finally capture an adorable little video of her. I hope it makes you smile too ๐Ÿ˜‰

ps. yes, she’s wearing disposables, &has been for about two weeks now. We had a bad little rash incident in the house. (gross, I know). Her with a nasty yeast overflow from antibiotics, which spread to me to a gross itchy mess on my leg. Yuck. Mama life.

pps. On a brighter note: if you’d like to sponsor our blog for next month, email me! We’ve received a fair amount of emails this past week, but we still have a few spots left! &don’t forget, we give discounts for multiple months and are always happy to discuss whatever else ๐Ÿ˜‰ Dooo it. July will be fab-u-lous ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. This video kills me. Especially the rabbit nose…so cute! p.s. I emailed you about July sponsorship!

  2. Very cute!
    I've always wanted to ask you…when you say "we" in pertaining to your blog…do you mean you and Marlowe or is there someone else helping you with the blog? Just something I've wondered.
    Also, I feel bad for you and other bloggers who seem to feel the need to give explanations about things like their child wearing disposables or eating an egg. It's your life. Maybe it's the nature of blogging about certain things like "green" living, healthy eating, etc I get that. But it must be annoying to have to explain it all. Okay, just my humble opinion. Take what you want and leave the rest. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • we as in me and M… sometimes Jerry too:)

      I have found it takes one second to give an explanation.. it's super easy and saves me works later on ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. My daughter makes the exact demonic quack quack noise and I love it! Unfortunany everything with a beak quacks.

    • Yeah, she won't do much for bird sounds, except point to birds. And roosters she points to and looks at me to make the "cockadoodledoooo"

  4. So cuuuuute. I'm feeling like we need to up our game on the animal noises over here! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • She def. did animal noises before other words… but whatever works I guess ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Super lovely video. And nice to hear you speak. I can put a voice to your blog posts now! Funny how somehow that makes a difference?!

    • Ah! I've always been hesitant about this.. I've never done a blog or anything. Makes me nervous… though I have seen some blogs that make me like the person a whole lot more, once I've heard them. Eeeep.