I had a lot of fun making my “how to cut (and cook) an artichoke” post and you guys seemed to like it too, so I thought I would have a little more fun, making more easy how to’s 🙂 I’m sure some people will be like “no duh” to this post— but other’s may have a “whoa thats an easy way!” moment. (Hopefully, right?) My friend Laura for example, every inch of me loves her to death, but cooking? It’s not her strong suite (read: I’m not trusting you in the kitchen). So basically, I asked her, what are some of the most basic cooking tips you’d want to know? And then I went from there… hopefully you like them too 🙂 

You’ll need:
a well sharpened knife.
a well secured cutting board. We like to use a wooden cutting board, just be sure your counter is dry and your board wont slip (please!)


1. Lay Onion on round side with the stem end on the left and the top on the right.
2. Slice the top off, not too much, just the tip. (ha!)
3. Place onion on cut side and slice down the center through the stem end.
-Keeping the root intact holds the onion layers together as you cut
4. Peel outer layer
5. Again with the root end on the left make two or three horizontal cuts toward the stem end.
-Be sure to not go all the way through
6. Carefully make several downward slices parallel to the stem, again do not cut through the root end. The Amount of cuts determines how big your dice is.
7. Then make perpendicular cuts across the onion to complete the dice.
-The diced onion will fall off with each cut
8. Discard the stem end or use it for stock.

Happy sometimes teary cooking 🙂


  1. To reduce the tears, rinse the top of the onion under cold water after cutting off the end. You can also rinse all the diced pieces in a colander, but be sure to pat or air dry before adding to hot grease in a pan. I read about the rinsing method in Dorie Greenspan's cookbook "Around My French Table."

  2. When I first saw this I thought "Seriously?"…but then, hey I didn't know how to cut an onion for the biggest part of my life!

  3. You have reminded me of my school home economics class when I was taught to cut an onion just like this. I must go back to this method, it does make sense. Thanks for the reminder. And I love your artichoke post, it's been so useful. I'm really hoping for plenty this year to practice on.

  4. oh this is wonderful! i have a similar method of cutting onions but not nearly this efficient, can't wait to make something oniony to try it out!

  5. Hey, did you know if you coat your knife with lemon juice before you cut an onion, you won't get any tears? It's true!

  6. I cook all the time – even with onions, but I always seem to make a mess of things when it comes to this particular food. I was one of those that had a "whoa that's an easy way!" moment!