My friend Claudia actually taught me this trick. It’s totally natural, super easy, and smells pretty fantastic, in my opinion anyway. I mean, you’ll be walking around like a highly scented ball of herbs, but that’s kind of the point—- it keeps those blood suckers away!

I haven’t searched yet, but I’m sure theres a few different combinations of oils you can use. I really enjoy these four together though. I know many of you wont be needing bug spray for a fair amount of time, but save this trick for later, you’ll absolutely thank me! It smells great and not only keeps off all those nasty bugs, but all the awful chemicals too πŸ™‚

You’ll need:
Citronella Oil

2 tsp. coconut oil or almond oil.

In small bowl mix 6 drops of each oil, plus 2tsp of coconut or almond oil. Mix well, and rub in palm of hands and coat on ankles, wrists, neck, and any and everywhere else you can.

// OR the lazy way: simply put a few drops of each essential oil in the palm of your hand, rub palms together,  and lather on ankles, wrists, and neck, and any/everywhere else πŸ™‚

Warning: You will smell interesting. Interestingly awesome.

Like the artwork? My friend Alana drew this up for me πŸ™‚ Despite a few of my own efforts, there was no cute way to show off bug repellant in an aesthetically pleasing way, so tada, awesome artwork. Thanks Alana!

Later for you, bugs. 


  1. Is there a good way to make a head and store? This would be somethings that would be awesome to have pre-made and sitting by the front door for a quick application.

  2. I cant wait to try it this summer! The bugs are so bad where I live and I hate using chemicals. and I love the artwork!

  3. A great idea, I hate the chemical ones, they have some really nasty things in them. I'll be making a note of this ready for the summer.