It’s almost embarrassing how old this post is. It’s just that life keeps on happening— and I guess I have more words and photos than I think sometimes. I have been wanting to share this place with you though— it’s amazing. A kid’s art museum? Real art geared towards kids? AMAZING. Seriously, amazing— and the photos?  Well, they in no way to this place justice. As two parents who love art and as someone who personally lives and breathes in color, this place was just a dream. If you’re local, or visiting, The Young At Art Museum is worth a drive.

I was recommended this place through a friend, and it’s sort of perfect. If it sounds like I’m selling you the place, well, I guess I kind of am, because as a person who wants more art in this world, I would hope that one day every single city, or at least county, could have a children’s art museum like this. And if I can scream (or type) from rooftops (my computer) how important or amazing places like this are for kids and adults alike, then I’ll do it. Art is important. Without creativity and room to create and be, we lose everything.

While I have taken Marlowe to art museums from as young as 4 months old—the YAA museum combines real art with kids projects and kids eyes in mind. And honestly, while it’s crazy how long its taken me to post these photos, it’s almost more crazy that we haven’t been back yet. I need this place to come slightly north now please.



And socks. Cause, souvenirs are important? If they’re pineapple socks, yes.

We’ll be back to the states this weekend! Hooray! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Go make some art! 


  1. What a brilliant place, mine would love visiting somewhere like this. CJ xx

  2. I did a masters in Art Management… and this looks WAY more interesting than any art museum I've ever been to! Ha!