indian tofu breakfast tacos

veggie paella (to be in cookbook— SO good)

green pasta + sundries tomatoes & cherry tomatoes + dogs.

black bean soup &avocado 

cooked greens, mashed potatoes, sautéed tofu. 

green pasta (her absolute favorite outside of beans and tofu)

ramen, with mushrooms, greens, herbs (a variation to be in cookbook. want now)

all day everyday.

grilled cheese &tomato soup.

more green pasta &green salad &chickpeas. yay!

also: eggs*, but lets promise to chat about that later, k? k.
*from a very happy quail named kelly. thanks, kelly!


  1. I love that she has such a great palette already!!! It's amazing that she eats so well at her age!!

  2. I cooked a black bean soup this week, Drea and loved it (your recipe obviously :).
    What a fabulous palette, bon appetite Marlowe x

  3. YUM. Those all look so, so, so delicious. I can't wait to have a little myself one day and feed him or her such healthy food! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

    Circus & Bloom

  4. Amazing how healthy she eats, but also great to see she likes a good 'ol grilled cheese 🙂
    Is there a recipe for those spring rolls on your blog? I'd love to try those!

  5. It all looks utterly delicious. Right now I'd be very happy with a bowl of that black bean soup. And a pat of dear Waylon, I was very happy to see his little wet nose in the pasta photo. CJ xx