Hello! So, I’m still here– in India— this time has flown by oh so quickly, its incredible. I can’t believe in just a few short days I’ll be on my way back across the ocean to south florida. SO, I’m obviously going to write ten million posts and share ten million photos of india— but when I get home. For now, I’m happy I’ve been able to spend the time properly appreciating this place— and taking it all in— there is SO much to take in. I hoped to journal throughout the trip— but as each day came to an end, I didn’t. And I brought my computer on each bus ride— but I much preferred looking out the window or taking in conversations with many of the girls— and often times Brittany— my one friend (other than Lisa of course) who joined me on this journey. The girls who came (13 of us total) are all amazing. Seriously— I’m not just saying that to not hurt anyones feelings– I have not one bad thing to say about anyone. I feel so lucky to have met each one— and plan to visit many of them in the future— and since half ended up being (accidentally) from California—well, it shouldn’t be that hard πŸ™‚ The greenery never seizes to amaze me– even in the dessert, it can still feel lush. Crops of wheat and mustard are everywhere— seas of green in the fields with pops of color from each woman’s sari shining through. The villages and cities are brown and dusty— with bright pops of color on just about every other building. The shrines are big. The people are kind. The handiwork is simply stunning. I’ll be sad to leave this place, but happy to return to my home.

Alex and Marlowe seem to be doing well. I’m looking forward to big hugs, pizza, and fun to be had with them. And I’m looking forward to coming back here on day— with them. I’m not looking forward to the commute home– but hey, if you want to get somewhere— you just do it, right? I can’t wait to share all the photos I took— even if I took 95% of them on my iPhone, instead of pulling out my real camera, but whatever works.

Oh, before I forget, we visited a palm reader— he told me quite a few things about myself that were true— like, that I’m aggressive, but kind. Haha. He also said that I am or would be a world traveler— I hope and think that would be true— and this trip is a good start for many more big travels in my future πŸ˜‰

I hope you guys all have a great week! I have posts lined up and will start sharing more from india— well, as soon as I get over return jet lag πŸ˜‰ Happy monday, friends!

*photo above is from when I accidentally got distracted by trees and snuck away from our group. this is the backyard of a woman’s house who invited me to show me her fruit trees— fruit trees have no language barriers πŸ™‚ She also introduced me to her cows πŸ™‚ 


  1. Glad you're having fun, it must be an amazing adventure. I shall look forward to hearing all about it when you're back. CJ xx

  2. Hello Drea! I'm so glad to hear that you're having a great time! India is definitely on my bucket list and it sounds like such a wonderful place. I think it's awesome that you put this trip together and you're going to have so many awesome memories coming back πŸ™‚ I can't wait to read all about it!
    ~ Samantha