So I’m pretty anti-drug now. I mean, I’ve never been into drugs/meds (who is?) but especially now—-well, they make me all sorts of nervous. Even the most basic pain relievers have shown that they can cause some pretty serious damage. And I have the most deafening ringing in my ear to prove it. (no thanks, pass).

I mentioned this last week, but unfortunately (but not surprisingly) we’ve been getting hit with the germ spray that Marlowe brings home from pre-school. I caught a nasty fever from it about two weeks ago and now Alex is sick this week. We’re all doing our best to be preventative about it: lots of water, vitamins, oranges, lemons, ginger everyday, but you know, sometimes you just can’t help it— you get SICK! It’s not fun. (Obviously).

I’ll be honest, prior to this experience I hadn’t looked that much into natural medicines. We just tried to steer clear of medicines as much as we could– and took them only if they were completely necessary— which often times they weren’t. But now, with Marlowe in school, well the coughs and stuffy nose counts are high— and I’m realizing I need to look into the best options to fix minor problems to get her happy and back to school— safely.

I’m super excited to introduce you guys to Maty’s. I was sorta hesitant when they reached out to me (again, scared of all medicines), but as soon as I looked into their ingredient list and their mission statement, I was absolutely sold. They’re products are ridiculously safe– there’s no strange chemicals or additives, no parabens, no bad stuff at all. Simple, natural, and effective.

They have products for the whole family, the kiddos, and babies too. You can see the full list of their products HERE. Their vapor rub? It’s awesome– I’m tempted to use it  on myself, even on the nights that my nose works completely fine. And the cough syrup? The ingredient list looks like a magical superfood! It’s all the good natural sickness fighting stuff packed into one perfect little bottle.

Maty’s ingredients are 100% natural with zero side effects and have no drug interactions at all. They are petroleum, paragon, and phthalate free. They are also gluten, dairy, soy, corn, wheat, artificial preservative, color additives and sweetener free.

I know theres a time and a place for all medicines and whatnot– but more than anything, it’s so so important that we start educating ourselves on everything we put into our bodies. There’s no reason that we shouldn’t all start with non-toxic, chemical free, natural and healthy ingredients. I’m personally super happy to have found Maty’s. Happy for Marlowe’s growing little body and happy for my peace of mind 🙂

ps. Marlowe asked if she could set up the photo/bottle to be photographed. She then decided that here was, in the spot of sun was best, and crawled away. Sure kid, love you.

*this post was sponsored by all the germs at marrow’s preschool and Maty’s. 


  1. So I'm THAT annoying person that is going around telling everyone about my miracle cure-all….Oregano Oil…Specifically Source Naturals (Origanum vulare) I haven't had a cold in 8 months and I am always the one to catch colds. Whenever I feel I'm coming down with something I treat it like an antibiotic…4 drops twice a day for 5-7 days…it's amazing and crazy potent. Also…for my girls when they get a cough….Vitality Works Kid's Cough…It's a weird little concoction that I drop (the recommended dosage) into a small glass of Kombucha and within 10 minutes they stop coughing and can get some sleep. Ok, and one more…NutriBiotic vegan GSE (grapefruit seed extract) Stops a sore throat like Whoah! Those 3 are always in my "medicine cabinet"

  2. I have wanted to comment on your blog for some time. I have always tried to
    live by the adage "if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at
    all" however this time I can not keep quiet. I have thought on this for a
    couple of days.

    I am just curious, what are your credentials to make such claims? "Maty's
    ingredients are 100% natural with zero side effects and have no drug
    interactions at all. They are petroleum, paragon, and phthalate free. They
    are also gluten, dairy, soy, corn, wheat, artificial preservative, color
    additives and sweetener free." Did you read it on the internet so therefore
    it was true?
    I am concerned. Is this product water? oh wait, water can have side effects
    if consumed in large quantities. So why can't Maty's have side effects? It
    I read Maty's website. I found the above claim. I also found this "*These
    statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This
    product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
    These products have never been tested for safety.
    Maty's produces untested drugs.
    Here is the definition of DRUG
    a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when
    ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

    People should be educated about what they are taking. Saying it has no side
    effects is illogical and not true.

  3. I have wanted to comment on your blog for some time. I have always tried to live by the adage "if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all" however this time I can not keep quiet. I have thought on this for a couple of days.

    I am just curious, what are your credentials to make such claims? "Maty's ingredients are 100% natural with zero side effects and have no drug interactions at all. They are petroleum, paragon, and phthalate free. They are also gluten, dairy, soy, corn, wheat, artificial preservative, color additives and sweetener free." Did you read it on the internet so therefore it was true?
    I am concerned. Is this product water? oh wait, water can have side effects if consumed in large quantities. So why can't Maty's have side effects? It CAN.
    I read Maty's website. I found the above claim. I also found this "*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
    These products have never been tested for safety.
    Maty's produces untested drugs.
    Here is the definition of DRUG
    a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

    People should be educated about what they are taking. Saying it has no side effects is illogical and not true.

  4. Next time I visit the US I'm going to bring back a suitcase full of these. I just checked them out and they're so expensive to buy in the UK (£35 for 2 bottles of the cough syrup). My daughter gets chronic chest infections and after a week back at school she's now got a bad cough and a sniffly nose 🙁 I need to find something in the UK like this!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I was wanting to find something this pure for my family. Also, Marlowe has a good eye!!

  6. It took mine about two days to bring colds home from school this year. I've managed to avoid it so far. I have them eating raw garlic! CJ xx