With the exception of today I’ve felt great amazing all week. It’s been really wonderful to feel normal and healthy again. Marlowe was sick as crap, then got better, spent another week at school last week, and started with her persistent cough again. It’s been rough. And frustrating. Another week down. And a huge mystery to why it’s happening. I mean, she really can’t eat any better— she takes her vitamins daily, loves ginger and garlic, but it still keeps coming. Alex and I have finished up all the must do, tedious chores around the house that needed to be tackled after our house problems. And I’ve had the energy to do everything I was doing before with no problems. I’ll clean and cook, happily. Just because I can. Today I don’t feel wonderful, but it’s the ups and downs that I’m used to now. And it’s these in-between times, that I still am so grateful for, and never, ever take advantage of anymore. I even went out with friends– at night– last week! Did I mention that?? I went to the movies (so rare) with a friend and then walked into a bar at 10 o’clock at night to a friends going away party. At night, in a bar. For the first time in 7ish months. It was a bit of a trip. I walked in and right away my friend Lauren looks at me and says, “are you overwhelmed? You are aren’t you?” OH yes, I was overwhelmed. Haha. But it was good. Alex met up with me after work like he used to. And I stayed out past midnight. I skipped the booze of course, but I did treat myself to some french fries 😉  Over said, but it’s the little things.

Right before Marlowe got super sick and all the house stuff started, one of my favorite people in the whole world visited “to ride out the retrograde” with me. I helped her decorate, organize, build furniture, and put together an apartment with her. There were ups and downs that week– like every week, but seeing and spending time with her (and the other people I love) makes me so happy that I want to cry. I mean, I wont get weird on you guys, but it does. I have rants about this year when it comes to friendships and people. But this past year has shown me where my energy lies— or should lie. But at the end of day, the sappy part of my heart is just overwhelmed with the people I love most.

three of my favorite people in the entire world. really, couldn’t love these boogers more if I tried. 

I’ve taken and will take all the bad, just to have these moments of good. I’m hoping whatever has a hold of my body today, whatever is making me feel iffy and down again leaves by morning. I’m hoping for another amazing weekend. And more than anything, I’m really just hoping this weather stays as amazing as it’s been. It’s been beyond perfect outside lately.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Enjoy all those good and bad in-between moments <3 Happy friday! 


  1. Thank you Drea, I love you too. And you are building abundant health everyday! Building it for you and your family, and your community xo
    Also this apartment is for rent during the winter season at the Ambassador Hotel in Palm Beach!

  2. Wow, I'm glad you are at last on the mend! Maybe the mold was part of the problem.

  3. I'm real late to the party, but could she just have an allergy which is causing drainage and thereby irritating the throat? Or does she have junk in her lungs? Either way that sucks, hope it gets lost soon.

  4. Did she get sick a lot before she started school? I think kids just get sick a lot, regardless of how healthy they eat. Exposure to new germs in new environments is something no amount of good food can protect you from, unfortunately. As she is more exposed, the less she'll get sick. It will get better. 🙂

  5. My mom says that when I went to preschool I spent literally half the school year sick. It was my first year around other kids. After that it was fine.

  6. good to see you feeling up and about. i've been chasing away a viral flu. there are good days and then there are some not so good ones.

  7. so many cute things, like the mugs and the white sandals…**

  8. What a lovely apartment. I'm so glad you've been feeling a lot better, it's so very good to hear you say you've been feeling amazing. Wishing you a great weekend. CJ xx