We’re pretty strict with Marlowe on a lot of things. We want her to be polite, kind, disciplined, and thoughtful— to name a few traits. We try to use a lot of time to educate her on things she should know and things we find really important. We expect her to know a good bit about the world around her and the world as a whole. I think a lot of parents hope for those things for their kids though, right? The other HUGE thing that is super important to us (which will come as a surprise to no one) is creativity. She naturally has that creative spark in her whether it’s with making art, thinking of new ideas, or creative play. Nature and nurture are both on her side for this one. We want her to imagine and create without limitations. I love when she can use her time to learn, yes, but I love it just as much (if not more) that she can use her time for some good ole’ fashion creative play.

Marlowe was beyond excited when I told her I was writing a post for Toca Boca— she squealed loudly! It’s already one of her absolute favorite apps– and we’re asking parents and families to join us  in taking a Stand For Play! We’re 100% behind that. The state of play is in danger! We want our kids to learn learn learn (important), but what about nurturing that creative side that is in so much of us? Imagination is equally important in building a solid ground for a happy life 🙂 And I for one think it’s pretty rad to have Toca Boca pushing for more playtime in kids— no puzzles or challenges or required steps to take– just open-ended play to explore and learn through play.

The first 2,000 parents who visit the Toca Boca Stand For Play site will have the chance to receive their own Stand For Play posters for their littles ones to have at it– where kids can color, decorate, paint or do anything they want to the poster (front, back, or both!).

Will you Stand For Play with us? You should! 

Sign up HERE and receive your free Stand For Play poster! Share the word, spread the love, and create the play— by creating meaningful play time with your kids and then be sure to share and tag your kiddos poster with #standforplay for a chance to be featured 🙂 

I hope you guys have a colorful, adventurous, and imaginative Thursday 🙂 


  1. that's great. i wish my parents let me continue with my creative streak. i'd always wanted to be an artist and master in it. but…. :)please do exactly what you are doing for this child.

    • same! My parents let me do art class and stuff, but it was majorly frowned upon for me to try to get any sort of art degree!