quiet mornings with him.


finding food that I can eat out in public (even if they messed up my order and my friends food got stolen— but whatever). 


her hair. we almost never have to wash it anymore. (she has the same hair routine as me)


I found these tiles and I love them so much.


when you run into your friends teenage hipster emo kid…. who you love oh so very much. 
(seriously, if you ever want to get rid of her, we’ll take her in.)




so old, just found this in a random folder. love her and her baby sling and her rocket ship.


when she attacks him in the morning. smoooooosh.


when you walk into a massage room completely filled with salt lamps. 


musical swings. 


quiet lunches at home. I usually opt to sit outside when I’m by myself, but this felt nice. 


friends don’t let friends get b12 shots alone. also her face– even though she has a few HUGE tattoos, but is petrified of a tiny prick haha. 


her. always. 


  1. Lovely photos, there really is such a cosy magical feel to your blog. Wonderful. CJ xx

  2. Your blog has been so inspirational to me, I love the uniqueness of it and under trials and tribulations you guys keep it together as a happy family. I hope you are feeling better of whatever is going on with your health and your daughter's hair is the bom!! Beautiful! I wish you the best and keep on going with this blog, I love it!!