
Strawberry soup! Does that sound appealing or iffy to you? Be honest! For me it was always a toss up– as when I think of soup I think of savory, hot, and usually noodle-y bowls of joy.  But starting off a meal with a fruit soup? Well that can be super fun too!

I don’t know if you guys saw or answered or not, but I randomly, on a whim, decided to do a giveaway and I asked everyone to tell me their favorite kind of soup. I was sort of surprised to see a few people comment, “strawberry soup!” I’ll be completely honest with you, I don’t think I ever gave strawberry soup a fair chance before. I would see it on the menu every time we went on our Carnival cruise and pass… and then head straight for the vegetarian Indian dinner, haha (my favorite!!). But after seeing people comment that strawberry soup was their favorite… well, I thought maybe I should give it a fighting chance.


And so we did. I mentioned strawberry soup one day to Marlowe and I think she was as confused and as intrigued as I was. And we thought it would be fun to create our own strawberry soup recipe. When I gave it a quick online search, a few recipes came up… but all of them (surprising to me) had a good amount of dairy in them (whole milk, sour cream, etc). I debated on maybe doing something like a hemp milk or something like that… but I don’t know I just couldn’t help but keep imagining how good the soup would be with a nice, creamy, coconut milk. We added coconut yogurt to thicken it up, and a squeeze of lime to freshen it and bam it was amazing. Alex suggested the toasted coconut on top.. and well, if you’ve never toasted coconut at home, man, it’s so easy, you have to! It’s done in seconds! This was delicious for sure! It sort of reminds me of a guava ice-cream recipe I posted a while back… but SO MUCH EASIER. Try it out!


You’ll need:
-1 lb strawberries
-1 cup coconut milk
-1/2 cup plain, unsweetened coconut yogurt
-juice from half a lime (about 1 tablespoon)
-pinch of salt
-optional: 1 -2 tablespoons coconut nectar

For garnish:
-unsweetened coconut
-mint leaves
-coconut nectar

How to:
-Toast your coconut flakes. This is super easy, just heat up a skillet and add in the the coconut. Move it around, as to not burn it and evenly brown it on all sides. This should only take a minute. No oil or anything needed!

-Hull your strawberries (though honestly this is completely optional. leaving the greens on is good for you! I always do it for smoothies— but if you want to keep a bright pink color to this soup, you might want to take the leaves off).

-Add your strawberries, coconut milk, yogurt, lime juice, salt and one tablespoon of coconut nectar (if using) and blend soup until rich and smooth.

-Pour your soup in a bowl and garnish with mint leaves, toasted coconut, extra strawberry slices, and extra coconut nectar (if using).

-And voila! Strawberry soup! Delicious!



Mmm that drizzle. So good. The coconut nectar we used is sustainable and organic! You can always use honey too– or skip the extra sweetener all together. But if you haven’t tried coconut nectar yet, I suggest you do, it’s a sweet flavor like no others!


And the mint! Don’t forget the mint. I ended up adding extra mint to mine— as I think it just tastes so good on the soup!


Delicious soup or glorified smoothie bowl, you decide… but no matter what you decide, this bowl of strawberry deliciousness, is amazing! Try it out! Also guys! If you’re interested (you should be, haha), I made this super delicious vegan callaloo dish and pineapple cocktail inspired by our last Carnival Cruise Line trip. Check them out and try them out— but maybe not all together, haha. Though the callaloo dish might be super yum with the pineapple cocktail! Currently super chilly as I type— and totally missing these island vibes!

This post was created for Away We Go with Carnival, the destination for getting in the getaway state of mind. Head on over.

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