*This post is sponsored by Athleta.

I’m not the strongest girl on the block. I’m lean, but I’m not exactly what you’d call fit or muscular. I’m mostly a tiny little thing with big hopes and dreams to maybe one day have abs (but I’m not holding my breath either). I’ve never been the athletic type. When the fifth grade fitness test rolled around I failed every single test with flying colors. The classroom race? I got second to last. Only beating the kid who had decided to walk.

But that’s me. I’m a skinny little thing– but I am, still, no matter what, determined to be strong. In whatever capacity I can be. Usually my strength is found more in a mental format, but sometimes, especially lately, I can look in the mirror or look inwardly to how I feel and I can see the shift into a physical strength as well.

Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever really gain back the weight I lost. And yeah, fatigue hits my body harder than it has before. And yeah, It’s still a game of up and down finding triggers in my body, but for the most part, I am getting stronger. I can feel it… and see it.

But no matter how skinny I stay… and no matter how many abs I don’t have… and no matter how light my hand-held weights stay, I really don’t care. Because at the end of the day, what matters for me is an effort and improvements (no matter how slow or quick they are). Because if I’m not judging my size, or counting my abs (ahem, ab), or measuring my weights, then neither is Marlowe. Those details don’t matter to her. The lesson she learns from me is effort. That good things take time. And most importantly: she sees that I am not giving up on myself. Day in and day out: I’m trying.

I want her to try too. Because you know what? She’s not the most athletic little girl. She’s not exactly tough either. She’s a delicate and skinny little thing. She struggles with tasks that she’s not perfect at… just like I once did. But I hope that she learns, at a younger age than I did, that perfection isn’t the end game.

She doesn’t lose by not being perfect. She loses if she never tries at all.

And she’s doing a good job. Really. She’s getting better at physically and mentally becoming stronger. She may not be the fastest kid. Or the strongest kid. But give her a 20+ foot rope? She can climb it. Her first class she couldn’t. And her second and third she couldn’t either. But months later, she sees she’s slowly getting better at each obstacle in front her. And I couldn’t be prouder. Because I know, as an ex-perfectionist that it’s hard to love the things you don’t find instant ease in.

But she’s doing it.

So together we’re getting stronger. Physically and mentally, we are. Together we’re learning that it’s okay to not be perfect. They don’t call things like yoga a ‘practice’ for nothing. Each session spent working on it is practice. No one is perfect. Together we stretch, plank, and even list some little teeny tiny weights together. We’re not winning any gold medals for any super athletic sports anytime soon, but we’re certainly winning together.

I have the privilege of being her role model everyday. And I’m not giving up anytime soon. Cause she needs to know that she’s worth every and any effort she makes any and every day.

Athleta is celebrating the 33rd annual national girls and women in sports day today. A day to show the young girls of the world that they can grow up to be the strong women leaders of the world– anymore importantly of their very own lives. All they have to do is believe in themselves.

I’m lucky to have such an amazing little girl in my life. Looking forward to see the strong woman she becomes.

You can shop our super comfortable, practical, and sustainably made Athleta sports pieces HERE. Athleta is a citified B corporation with loads of sustainable and earth friendly items. My shorts are made from recycled poly and my hoodie as well as Marlowe’s top is made of a sustainably manufactured tencel (and crazy soft too!).  Comfortable, breathable, and made with the earth in mind 🙂

Cheers friends!


  1. Love this! I grew up with a mother always concerned about her weight and I love seeing the positive example you are setting for Marlowe!
    I have a 2 yr. old girl and am trying to raise her without concerns of what others might think and just be herself. She loves putting on her own hat and its usually lopsided, or wears a headband in the funniest way making her hair stick out all sorts of ways 🙂 But that’s what makes her happy.

  2. Danielle

    Can I inquire how tall you are? Love your blog, your style, your outlooks!! In terms of loving your style, I often follow links to sustainable clothing choices you recommend, and am not sure how tall you might be to judge size for myself. Thanks!

  3. Im not vegan but I follow you because I truly appreciate how you view the world and the principles you teach your daughter. Good job Drea!