“How did you find Paloma Sol?” seems to be a key question this month.  Was there a certain site we used? Or how did we go about searching? Well, I want to tell you the story. Because I do believe it’s important and a crucial element to how this dream came to be.

I didn’t search for our property. Not even a little.

It came to us.

And not because someone heard what I wanted and brought it to my attention. This is much deeper than that.

I’ll be a broken record with this statement: The universe provides when you’re open and ready. But I truly believe it now. I’ve been envisioning this space for years. And time after time I stated what I want, where I wanted it, and more. I talked about this in my announcement post about our new farm property, but I’ve been dreaming about this project for a long time, even when it was far, far away from financial reach.

We can call it manifestation. We can call it the universe aligning. We can call it karma. We can it total chance coincidence.

Whatever you want to call it, it happened.

I’ve pictured this place a million times in my head. What I could and would do with it. What I wanted to create within it. What I wanted it to look like. Where I’d like it to be. I verbally, emotionally, internally, stated with deep clarity what I wanted. I looked at a few properties in Costa Rica and in Mexico too. And I looked at one retreat center property available in Guatemala— online. I had recently connected to a woman in Costa Rica who was selling a property in Guatemala. And well, while it was dreamy, it wasn’t exactly what I was calling it. This other space was a million-dollar listing and felt like more home than a food forest dream. But still, I thought, “if I had the money, I’d buy probably buy this.” — who knows if that is true, but either way, even seeing this property listed kept me dreaming and envisioning a future space.

But again, I never really looked at land in Guatemala outside of this one listing. One other house, yes, but not land. But somehow, I trusted that it would all unfold.

And it did.

A few months ago I started posting on instagram about the changes in women’s cycles. I was hesitant to do this because while I could see clearly that women were being affected, the whole thing seemed so out there. But still, it was directly affecting me, my daughter, the people around us, and thousands of other women who needed their voices heard.

And so I shared. Some people told me *everyone was lying*. Many told me none of it was true and it was all made up. But the real and honest stories from women kept pouring in… so I kept sharing.

You might ask, “how does this have anything to do with a farm?”

Well, one woman, Bria, messaged me. I responded, thanking her for her message. Then, a new message came in, “Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t see your message from before!”

I was confused. I had no idea who this stranger was. What messages had I sent her before? Well, apparently, I had messaged Bria four years prior, in 2017. I had tried to connect with her and her then-partner about a project they were working on.  I told her that I tried to reach out to her then-husband and that the project they were working on was beautiful. I had messaged him saying we were moving to Guatemala and so much of our lives aligned. (So much of our lives did and do align.)

I was shocked. I had no recollection of ever messaging her. But there it was. The whole thing was trippy enough to pull me in— I mean, I think it would pull anyone in! I clicked over to her page and saw she was still living in Guatemala. I gave her account a follow and carried on sharing stories.

About two weeks later, Bria posts the first post I would see from her: LAND FOR SALE.

Our land. It was there and waiting for me. She and her previous partner had started the project a few months before I messaged them back in 2017.  But due to the planet’s current circumstances, you know, with all this covid-nonsense, the land was looking for a new steward.

Just like that: the land was waiting for us.

Another crazy part of the story. It was only two days before I saw the land listing that Alex and I had signed a lease and put down a good handful of money on a restaurant space in our town in Mexico. We had also invested a good bit of money into the design of the space. We had always known that eventually, we would open a restaurant. And we were happy to move forward in this venture, but to be honest, while we were happy, it never felt like a dream unfolding. But this farm venture did from the second it showed up in front of me.

While we had no idea if we would actually buy this land in Guatemala or not, we knew that we had to take the risk, let go of the money down and the signed lease, and make the journey east. And so we did. Marlowe Paloma finished the school year and then we were on a flight and a 6-day bus tour to Guatemala. We visited and fell in love. A day later we were in a Mayan town, signing papers with the local lawyer.

(By the way: Buying property in the states is one thing, but buying property where the first language is Tz’utujil and the secretaries are in handwoven huipils… well…  it’s a whole other amazing experience.)

One could say that I have a big following on instagram and that is how it all came about. But it’s hard to support given that I was initially the one who messaged Bria back in 2017. She had no idea I was looking to buy land, she had no need to message me all these years later, the land could have sold long ago— the owner had listed it elsewhere before, and more.

Coincidence, fate, or otherwise, Paloma Sol appeared to us. I believe I called it in. I believe that, while we wanted to move to Guatemala in 2017, we needed to learn A LOT more lessons and go through many more experiences before receiving this dream. I believe that the miscarriage, moving out of our home to downsize, us bailing out on the US in 2020, and so many more things needed to happen to prepare us to get here now.

We’re excited about what’s ahead!

I cant wait to meet some of you guys there 🙂


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