I attended a mom meet up group, when Marlowe was just a little less than a month old. All the moms there were vegan or mostly vegan and “social vegetarians”, while some kept raw-food households. I enjoy meeting women who have healthy happy vegan kids. I have found that sometimes the media likes to portray a negative image on raising vegan or vegetarian kids and I find it completely ridiculous. I had a perfectly fine pregnancy (really great, actually) and I have the healthiest little baby ever… and its all been done while living a vegan lifestyle (Not to mention, now: a kid that eats better than a fair share of adults). I think the biggest problem is that there will always be the people who call themselves vegans, but live solely off french fries and other crap… and obviously no one is going to be healthy that way. Whatever you do, you gotta do it right. I love potatoes and french fries, but I know where to find all the nutrients I need for a healthy body and I make sure to incorporate them all in every meal choice I make. I plan on continuing to have a vegan household, but will I ever force veganism upon Marlowe? Absolutely not. She will eat vegan until she’s old enough to make her own educated decision. When the time is right we will have a trip to a farm where she can learn about where the food she eats comes from. I want her to know how cheese is made or where a cut of meat is coming from. I think everyone has a right to choose and even though I would love if we could all be vegans, I do believe people can eat meat and still live healthily. I’m not the type to get all preachy on whether people should eat meat or not, I just prefer when people put quality food into their bellies and are educated about their choices. I want Marlowe to always respect and appreciate food and if she chooses a non vegan lifestyle I will readily prepare non vegan food, but only when she really understands her choices. And of course the meat, dairy, or what have you: will always be locally farm fresh, or at least organic and farm raised. Food is a big thing– we survive and thrive off of it– it’s really important and it needs to be respected. 


  1. i'm a south florida girl living in orlando. what meet up did you go to down south? any suggestions for me up here? i met a very good friend at a la leche league group but i don't know where/ how to go about this πŸ˜‰


  2. I think that I have been to your blog and glimpsed at it a few times, but today I am back and actually reading, and I am hooked. I had no idea you were vegan! That's fantastic. πŸ™‚ I love finding lifestyle/mommy blogs who sometimes talk about being vegan because I feel the majority of vegan run blogs are just recipes. Anyways, hi! SO glad to have found your blog. πŸ™‚


  3. Babycakes is looking so good and cute. she has grown so much already!

    i used to think the whole idea of meet-up groups was weird until i found myself with a 2 month old Lily all day by myself. i joined 2 groups in my area and both Lily and i have really benefited from it. i definitely don't fit in with everyone but i have met a few really great moms.

  4. I just came across your blog and I wanted to say hello.

    I am 15 weeks pregnant and keep getting in trouble with my midwives for not eating enough protein. I don't eat a lot of meat, maybe a couple times a week, so I'm not doing very well on my 65 grams a day. What were some of your favorite protein filled meals when you were pregnant? I eat a lot of yogurt, but there's only so much I can eat!

    Also, anytime I'm around big groups of women, I always leave thinking "Man I'm so weird. Why don't I ever fit in?" I imagine when I have this baby and find myself in play groups, it will be even more so. I live in a really conservative, religious area, and I have a hard time "fitting in" as well. I hope you find your little circle!