I’ve been questioning my spot in the blogging world for a long time. Not whether I should stay or go, because even though I have questioned if I want to drop this thing all together, I really don’t plan on going anywhere. Like I said, I like it here. Are there cookie cutter niches in this online world? I sometimes think so. Do I fit in them? I’m not sure. Sometimes yes, sometimes not at all. Okay, I’m a mom. Check. But I don’t blog a whole lot about my kid, not specifically anyway. I post food, sure. But I’m not a food blogger. I like nice clothes, Marlowe LOVES nice clothes, but fashion posts? Not so much, I’m rarely even in a picture around here. I like things like yoga, mostly healthy eating, making my own deodorant, I tried no poo, and if and when possible, I only buy organic products for my home (screw you, monsanto) …..but…. I’m not exactly “crunchy” enough to fit in the crunchy blog category. (I know, it seems like all my dreams are crumbling in front of me too). I craft. a lot. I love making things, stupid things, nice things, whatever things I can do to keep my hands busy, but me being a craft blogger? Laughable. What else is there? I’m sure there’s lots. I’m a non-photographer picture taker. Someone direct, to the point, likes no bullshit, and keeping it short, but someone who rambles on and on and on, putting, one, too, many, grammar mistakes in every single post. It’s in my bio, I’m a terrible writer. I write how I speak, and it’s well, interesting, I guess. Why not. At one point I could (or I did without caring) write about mediation issues, my lack of help issues, and whatever kind of single parenting problems would come about. People in similar situations could relate. Now, life is pie. Mostly, I mean, of course we still have struggles… we’d like money to be less of a concern (wouldn’t we all?), I’d love to afford some health insurance, I’d like to have a better plan for Marlowe’s soonish schooling years, I’d prefer the terrible threes to skip over us completely— but the signs are showing otherwise, and I have zero to no time with my now husband. Regardless, life is significantly better than it’s ever been before. We like it here. Life is pie. 
this is long.

This thing I have in front of me is scary, amazing, and powerful. It is without a doubt a beast in itself, to have a space to come and release your thoughts (without any take backs), knowing full and well that the people you love, know, and will never come to know will read your introspections. Nobody starts a public blog without knowing that someone is going to read it. It’s pretty clear that here on the internet, that if you put it out there, someone will find it. Whether its one person, thousands, or millions, well that depends on what you do, how you do it, who finds it, who loves it, hates it, and what you do with all of that once you realize it. Me? Well, I kind of backed away from a lot of it…. or maybe I never fully walked into any of it. I’m the kind of person where once I realize I can really make something, I back away. I don’t want the pressure and I don’t want the responsibility. I don’t want people to expect anything. I like things on my own, carefree terms. I don’t like to feel committed to much– to anything really. Marlowe has been my biggest commitment yet. And now, marriage, but that doesn’t feel like a new commitment, we’ve loved each for too long anyway 😉 I have thought from time to time that maybe I should set aside more time for this place, put more of a focus into expanding it, creating more of a business from it to hopefully offer more to my family. It’s a nice idea, but I’ve struggled with how much I would or wouldn’t want to commit to it.  
When I started this space (if you weren’t here from the beginning, most of you weren’t, except maybe you, mom. hi mom!) I had my section of “diet water” where I could share, rant, and share some more about issues, health ideas, better living tips, and healthy recipes. That’s out the window now. Much of it was time consuming— because you can’t say ‘GMO’s are bad’, without having multiple proper links to back your claims. And two, no matter what I said, or how I said it, I would offend someone.  It gets emotional tiring to accidentally, without wanting to offend people. You can only phrase “breastfeeding is a better option for mothers who can do it” so many ways to make sure not to hurt people. Someone who either chose not to, felt they couldn’t, actually physically couldn’t, or adopted is always bound to get hurt. I’m not confrontational and eventually I just said “screw it, I’m not talking about breast-feeding anymore.” Yes, breast-feeding is a healthier and more natural option for a baby— but no, it’s not ideal or a possibility for everyone. I digress. My point: what I say or do, is never, ever intended to hurt or offend anyone. I live my life how I live my life, and I don’t think less of other who live they’re life differently. Now I mostly skip over those topics completely. 
I got a fair amount, not a lot, but enough shit, when I ran an ig exorcist program on my instagram account (a program that deletes followers who haven’t been active on your account— or any account in general—- basically removing spam, lurkers, and making the occasional mistake of deleting people who do follow along, but aren’t as active in the IG world). One or two told me I was doing “bad business.”— this made me start thinking. On one hand it was awesome, that people from the outside viewed me as a business type person, but on the other hand, I was bummed to realize that some people genuinely thought that I looked at my instagram (blog/social media) primarily as a business— where I cared only  about numbers. I don’t. Yes, I check my page views just like anyone else would, but I would always, 100% of the time, rather have good, genuine readers and stronger connections then maybe readers I’m not even sure exist in this place. Because really, are personal blogs about numbers or are they about people? (It’s people).
I also started to question my stance on and in this blog world when I began opening up, speaking to, and connecting with others bloggers. The two-headed look I get when I tell people about my ideas of this blog, is usually amusing— I got this a few times from Chris, we he came to visit. If you haven’t heard of Chris Wiegand (I’m sure you have) and his documentary project, it’s really, a clever idea. A journey up and down and across America, filming bloggers and they’re lives. He’s also husband to the amazing Casey Wiegand—- pretty much one of the nicest people in the universe. Many points throughout our day of filming we chatted, on and off camera. I spilled most of all my guts off camera, and (not at all surprisingly) tensed up every time the camera was on me. Hook me up to a mic, I’m good. Stick a camera in my face? I’ll die not sparkling in the spotlight. But hey, I’m happy over here, without it all in my face, I sparkle just fine without it 😉 With his project and each day of connecting with other women, it’s confirmed, I’m not like a lot of the other bloggers. Not the ones in Chris‘ project, not any that I’ve heard of, and even not the ones that I love and follow now. I mean, we’re all not exactly the same anyway— there is no box we all fit into. Yes, I blog. No, I have no idea where I’m going. No, I don’t worry about what people have to say. Yes, I moderate comments, but really just for spam (there is SO much), and at one point for one person who never, ever had anything constructive to say. No, I’ve never been to a blogging convention— the only time I considered it was when I was asked to speak at one (until I grow out of this nervous in the spotlight thing, that won’t be happening). Yes, I actually have no idea what even really takes place at a convention, other than listening to a few speakers. No, I’m not here to make it anywhere, I’m just here, sharing things and helping provide for my family through the occasional sponsored post and project. Hi guys, here I am. 
I’ve never tried to fairy-tale my life. I’ll admit, things look usually pretty good on the screen— because they usually are, but also, because I (‘d like to think I) have a knack for making things look good. I’ve always been that person— that child even, who liked to make things look nice. My family and my mom’s friends would enlist me— not to clean they’re homes, but to clean up, organize, and simplify their space, closets, rooms, or whatever, when I was growing up. I’m good at it— making the modest things shine. 
I’m feeling like I should be coming to the end of this post, but in reality, I have no closing. From where I started and to this end, there is no concrete point, just rambles. I’ve debated a few times, and probably (definitely) even mentioned it, whether or not I would make this place less personal— keep it simple, more recipes, more pictures of simple, yet enjoyable things. But through opening up and having people open up in return, I’ve learned, I don’t want to change that part of me. I connect with and love people once I get to know them. No one is going to connect with me and this space, if no one knows anything about me. Yes, pictures here and there, a few paragraphs, stories, they can create an image and idea, and people can enjoy or like that—  but the real relationship that I enjoy and that I’ve gained with so many is missing. Sure, the business side of it is important, but I can’t expect the more important part– the connection if I don’t let others know at least a little more about the (nonsensical) nonsense that goes on in my head. I guess, maybe, right?  
Thank you! Really. 
Thank you for those of you who have opened up your lives to me and shared your thoughts and stories! It’s awesome 🙂 
Speaking of social media things, a friend of mine sent me a link to this story. It’s a good read for any one of us in the social media world— whether you share your story or just read others. I think the biggest thing we can take from it is that there’s not any limited amount of success or happiness in this world. Success and happiness are never-ending, we just have to grab ours and take it and be happy for others who have it too, cause they aren’t stealing ours!
Also, since I’m so amazing with posting things on time— below are photos from our documentary time with Chris filming the ohdeardrea blog and family. It was a bit of a trip being filmed— a good trip of course. Marlowe still from time to time asks if we can take my friend Chris back to beach, maybe one day, kid. You can also check out Casey’s blog for updates on the project (or just a good general read, inspiration, and some pretty freaking cute kids). Or follow hashtag american blogger on instagram for daily updates (#americanblogger)
Also also, if you like this place, maybe consider supporting us by following along on bloglovin, the ohdeardrea Facebook, pinterest, instagram, or checking out the etsy. Also, if you really like mindgrape babbles and junk, there’s incredibly not business-like twitter too. Thank you for also supporting our sponsors, they are all shops, sites, companies, and other blogs close to my heart, that help out this family. Support to them is appreciated all around. 
And if you made it to the end of the post, I’ll assume its raining there too… and we’re making biscuits and gravy here, you’re welcomed to join us.


  1. Hello! I'm a fairly new reader and have been following you on instagram. I just somehow stumbled upon this post and found it to be very inspiring. I've been contemplating starting a blog for almost a year now. I truly want to, but always doubt myself wondering If I'd be good enough, interesting enough, or even fit in anywhere. As I read the beginning of this post, I felt like I was reading my own thoughts. I think this may have just given me the push I've been needing to just get started and be me 🙂 Thank you!

  2. I so enjoy the sights on your blog. I totally get what you're saying about not fitting into one of those brackets but your a person like the rest of us and I think that's what attracts us to your blog… besides the fact that you love beauty. And I know you say your photos are subpar but they do perfectly for the majority of what the population appreciates… they're lovely and good quality and INSPIRING! I think I've told more than one friend about your "things on toast." You seem so strong and yet vulnerable, open and private at the same time… That's neat that Chris Wiegand visited you guys!

  3. Thanks for an honest post. I've started writing a blog and am really not sure why or what will happen with it. Well… we'll see. Good to know everything doesn't have to be planned and figured out beforehand!

  4. I tend to be a very silent follower of your blog but I can't tell you how much I really enjoyed this post. I am a blogger who doesn't fit anywhere, not in any of those spaces. My grammar is bad. My photos are crummy or random and my posts are babbly and all over the place. And I love this post so much because you just stated how you are and what you are not and that you have different reasons from other people on why you do blog and I love love love the realness and rawness and the rambling. These are my favorite kind of posts. Thank you for sharing your rambles and I will be sure to start leaving comments a little more often 🙂

  5. I am not a blogger, i don't really have anything in common with you other than the fact that i live in FL, but what you are doing is great, i enjoy reading your "rambleling' its fun, funny, interesting, confusing, entertaining, informational, bla bla bla! haha just wanted to leave you a little comment just to say you have a great blog! 🙂

  6. I am not a blogger, i don't really have anything in common with you other than the fact that i live in FL, but what you are doing is great, i enjoy reading your "rambleling' its fun, funny, interesting, confusing, entertaining, informational, bla bla bla! haha just wanted to leave you a little comment just to say you have a great blog! 🙂

  7. This post is great Drea, this is exactly why you have so many followers! Its pure honesty and realness that you exude and keep people coming back for more (plus we all can't get enough of seeing Marlowe!). Just keep doing whatever you are doing, its obviously perfect.

  8. I found you blog because of the A Beautiful Mess post and then fell in love with it. It's not like any of the other blogs I read, but it's my favourite blog right now. We don't have much in common other than vegan food and dogs, but I read everything you write, even the long post I often skip on other blogs. Anyway, I really like you guys and your food photos.

  9. I have really enjoyed following Chris on Instgram during his trip! It's funny to see all the "popular" blogs that I've just never even heard of. Your blog might not follow any typical pattern of blogging but, obviously, so many of us are drawn to it.

    • I haven't heard of many of the bloggers in his project either! But I've been turned on to quite a few of them now and it's nice seeing all the difference between us all 🙂

  10. Reading your blog always just makes me smile and think, which is a good thing. Gotta get off my butt and get some of that happy.

  11. This was a great post, think you touched on something most bloggers feel- why do I blog. I love your blog, you and I are almost the same age I think and I appreciate how simple and down to earth you are, I love your reciepes and I'm not a vegan but love yoour reciepes anyway. The part I love most about blogs, is getting to know people from different lives- it opens our minds, makes us more considerate of others. ♥

  12. I felt very similar to this almost a year ago when I quit my blog. I was stressed, I didnt like taking outfit photos anymore, school was more fun than blogging! I was constanctly disapointed with the number of followers I had, who was reading, what people would think of me, how they were labeling me… too much! After a year, I am back with a new blog and a new outlook (along with everything else new in my life. Seriously. It's been a whirlwind of change.) And I am making the decision to not label my blog into a category, not worry about followers or tweeting or getting comments. I am putting love and happiness out into the blogosphere in every post and maybe some day it will come back to me. You started this blog for you, so keep it for you.

    Good luck.


    • I'm glad you found a love in it again! No point in doing something you don't love! The second this blog isn't for me anymore, I'm done, out, closing it.

  13. I loved this post, and I love your blog.
    You motivate me to just keep writing, keep being me, and not really care about what everyone else thinks.
    Screw the numbers.

  14. I've been having the same questions lately. I've almost completely stopped posting because I haven't had all that much time. While I miss it, I'm not quite sure where to start, what to say, what to post about.

    • Start anywhere! Like, a story about the color of your underwear. No, maybe not that, but it doesn't matter 🙂 Whatever makes ya happy.

  15. I just want to say I loved this. I love your blog, appreciate your ramblings and am constantly inspired by you. Thanks for being here and being willing to share.

  16. I don't think you need a niche–what I get from your blog is a testament to balance. How to maintain various interests and friends, a family, a somewhat restricted diet and other health/fitness concerns… I think your blog is so readable because it's not about just one thing and because it's bond together with real honesty and with a desire to think deeper about life and about blogging. And your voice is very relateable and engaging. I think that the number of people reading this huge post is a good demonstration of that!

  17. I really enjoy your style of writing. I don't think you should question it. I follow several blogs, yet yours is the only one that I actually read. So, you are doing something very very right. Don't change anything and the money will come.

    • I figure some people will love it and some people will hate it… but it's def. not something I can or will change 🙂 I'm glad you like it! Thank you!

  18. I am not usually one to post comments, but I wanted to with this post. I have blogs that I follow through bloglovin' and when I find the time to sit down and read some of the blogs. Yours is always the first I check out (I started following you shortly after Marlowe was born). I love your honesty. I think that you are very genuine (which I love!) and I always love your posts. Keep blogging! 🙂

  19. Ok so I have no idea who you are or how I found your blog..but I like it..I like your sofa and I think your home is so cozy and filled with love..I have five children so it takes a lot of good to make me ignore my parental duties for five minutes to read a blog..I read yours…I like yours..I don't get what your blog is either..I don't have facebook..I don't do any other social media..I like photos..I like to see how people live..thats about it..I don't need a craft tutorial every time I look at a blog or a drink recipe of the day..I don't give a shit about that stuff..I like happy stuff and your blog delivers..it is happy..to the point..happy..I want to start blogging but as I said I have five littles…and wow what could they do while I blogged..I might step away from my laptop to my home in charred ruins..the only thing remaining is me and them and the laptop and the dogs..yeah..I want to blog..my 11 year old begs me to blog..she is my biggest fan..so you keep blogging because it makes people like me happy..and I bet it makes you happy too!!

    • Haha yeah, blogging with 5 might be a bit tough! The one plus side about Alex's schedule (or previously living alone) is that once the (one) kid goes to bed, I have about 3 hours before Alex gets home for me.

  20. You are so cute. I love reading your blog — particularly your rambles because you come across so genuine and not like you are trying to fit into a box. I appreciate that and will continue to read. Now for those biscuits and gravy!!! yum.


  21. I find that blogging is a lot like living in that we will never know how many people we affect.

    Often our decisions may not seem to follow order and the WHY of why we do things in our lives may seem random or displaced to anyone outside of ourselves.

    Yet people see us, you – me – everyone, just living or blogging, sharing personal thoughts, and we never know what they are taking from us. We can't amass that kind of awareness, even when we want to.

    For me, your personal ramblings give me the confidence to continue mine, because I don't feel like I fit into any category either. I also dig the style of your house and find inspiration in your pictures.

    My point is, blog on. I can see how it may be disheartening to find that you are offending someone, but you are also empowering people who may not speak as loud, but who are reading nonetheless. Watching you go through troubles or backpedaling on previous posts about Alex, or contradicting yourself sometimes or setting goals and not always reaching them, that is proof that you are human and you're not afraid to show it. It's powerful.

  22. love this post, and this blog, and i love how you so honestly share. i love that this blog doesn't fit into a niche, it's a bit of everything and a lot of happiness. and not the happiness that is all sunshine and rainbows, even though there is some, but the happiness that survives the bad weather days. i love that when i am reading i feel as though i am listening to you talk (does that sound creepy? don't mean it to!)… but yeah, keep it real. you are doing a great job.

  23. Thanks for sharing your heart! I have been recently following via Casey's post about you on her blog! #real #refreshing

  24. Some people only have purple crayons. Some, only yellow.
    You have the variety pack, willing and eager to share.
    Thank you for sharing.

  25. p.s actually, that wasn't all: I admire the way you write like you talk. I think that's one of the reasons your blog is so readable 🙂

  26. I've been following your blog for well over a year now (newbie commenting), and I just love it. Your a mom who loves her daughter, who shares her life with the rest of us. I find your posts fascinating and often laugh and cry with your words. Your blog is so unique and that's why I love it!

  27. Ramble on girlfriend! I love your realness! It's so nice to see that not all great bloggers (yes, you ARE a great blogger) are in it for the "business" of it all. Sure it's great to make a little money from it but it shouldn't be what it's all about! I visit your little corner of the internet daily, and I found you because I follow Casey and Chris on IG. I love what he's doing with American Blogger. I, myself decided to start a blog because I have so much family that live far away and it's a great way for them to see what is going on in my world because we don't get to talk every day. I love your posts, your ramblings, your recipes, your ideas, and your creativity! I love to blog but I don't really have a certain thing that I blog about… mainly just life in general… I'm glad you don't fit into any certain blog criteria, because that makes me feel better about not fitting into one myself! Thank you for that!!!

    Keep on keeping on!!!


  28. Just so you know, you are one of the only blogs I follow and this post is why. You are different, you are real, and you are open. Although It doesn't hurt that I am a native Floridian and a vegan 🙂 Thanks for your honesty.

  29. Girl, keep on rocking the personal posts…you are amazing at it! The pretty pics are awesome but the real words are what keep me coming back! — One of my favorite things about reading other peoples blogs is.. seeing that someone in another part of the world can have the same views and interests as I do.

    I can so relate when you said …" family and my mom's friends would enlist me— not to clean they're homes, but to clean up, organize, and simplify their space, closets, rooms, or whatever, when I was growing up. I'm good at it— making the modest things shine." …. I was, and still am, the same way. To create beauty in something that looks like it has none…and to organize… it's a big part of my life…as silly as that sounds…it probably doesn't sound silly to you.

    keep it up, you rock!


  30. You are right, it's long!! 😉 But well worth it, you are so honest and not a bad writer at all, so stop it! I started a fashion blog last year and half way thru it got pregnant, so I stopped blogging, it turned me off. I found you on Instagram and you have inspired me to start blogging again! I gave my blog a makeover, and like you not sure where I would fit in now. All I know is that I want to show my story, like you, I like to make things pretty, always have. The only thing I'm trying to get around now is posting photos of my daughter, it's been hard for me to be so care free with her, she's only 3 months old and I'm a new mom, and an overprotective one! Keep up the awesome posts and photos, I like your blog because like you said, you make the modest things look pretty!


    • Its hard, def. about keeping a balance and finding what you feel comfortable with. At one point I felt comfortable sharing Marlowe's birth story, later I didn't and I took it down. Do I regret doing it in the first place? No, its just another learning lesson.

  31. Drea, I love your honesty. The reason I love your blog and have followed is because you keep it real! You are not portraying only the good and it s all a little more personal and relatable. Keep doing what you are doing, it's perfect! Big love, Claire (kawaiigirl79) x

  32. I really loved reading this post. I've only been blogging since March, and I do question what my blog actually is, what it should be about, and whether it should be changing or going somewhere. So it is good to know I'm not the only one. Your blog is honest and it is one of my favourites. Thank you for sharing Drea.

  33. I think there are a lot out there like you. I definitely don't feel as though I have a niche in the blogger world. I don't have a child and I'm single. I don't craft, I'm no photographer, and I'm no foodie. I just sit down and type out my life happenings, and I don't do anything to "promote" myself or blog. Just lots of personal, rambling thoughts. I've taken a step back from it and am in limbo. Do I still spill my guts because I enjoy it or do I stop because I don't know if I belong?

    With that said, it's a huge relief to read this entry of your's. I feel like you're as real as it gets and so many people can relate; me included. 🙂 It makes me wish you lived in Orlando so I could ask to be your friend like a creep, haha. 😉

  34. I think there are a lot out there like you. I definitely don't feel as though I have a niche in the blogger world. I don't have a child and I'm single. I don't craft, I'm no photographer, and I'm no foodie. I just sit down and type out my life happenings, and I don't do anything to "promote" myself or blog. Just lots of personal, rambling thoughts. I've taken a step back from it and am in limbo. Do I still spill my guts because I enjoy it or do I stop because I don't know if I belong?

    With that said, it's a huge relief to read this entry of your's. I feel like you're as real as it gets and so many people can relate; me included. 🙂 It makes me wish you lived in Orlando so I could ask to be your friend like a creep, haha. 😉

    • If I lived in Orlando you would be forced to come eat noodles with me all day long.

  35. I love and appreciate your blog so much. I think what you said about "making the modest shine" captures exactly what I love about it! The space you've created here on your corner of the Internet is beautiful 🙂

  36. i recently found your blog and love it. also i consider it one of the big blogs in the blogsphere, and it was so refreshing to see that you also wonder about those things and actually express it. thank you for that. and i actually love coming to your blog and reading your going on's simply because it's so easy to read, as if i were speaking to a friend over lunch. rambling posts from the heart are really the best kind.

  37. Drea,
    I always LOVE reading your blog. You are honest and kind and uplifting and true and funny and beautiful! I could go on. Keep up the good work!!

  38. Drea,

    Weird to say maybe, but I really like you and really like your blog. I enjoyed reading this so much- and I feel thankful to be able to continue to follow along on your adventures here and on IG. You're a diamond in the rough, sister.


  39. genuine admirable and kind people such as yourself, there should be more of. you are just real, i appreciate that much

  40. I absolutely loved reading this post; and I loved reading the comments as well.
    It's such a reassuring thing that so many people are in the same boat.
    This all leads to the thought – well maybe we're all a little more different than we thought.
    I think everyone just gets soo caught up in following trends and figuring out what they "ought" to be posting about that they get lost.

    I know that there are so many things that have drawn me here to this little space of yours, and I'm sure that's different than everyone else's reasons too. So, whatever it is you're doing, you're definitely doing it right!

    can't wait to see your contribution to the american blogger; and drea, thanks again for sharing your amazing heart with us. it shines.


    • 🙂

      Ooof I'm nervous about American blogger. We already know I'm not great on camera… but especially on American Blogger? Chris kept yelling (not actually) to stop looking away haha.

  41. Maybe this is why you're my favorite blogger. You don't try to fit into one little definition of a blog. I love that I never know what you're going to post about.

  42. i always enjoy your "rambling" posts the most.
    the readers that have been here from the beginning are happy your life is so good, so much happiness & love & it reflects in your blog & the things you post.
    your blog is just perfect how it is. no labels, just keep doing what you're doing. if it makes you happy 🙂 because that's all that matters.
    & my hat always goes off to bloggers – i have questioned the idea of starting one so many times, but taking the plunge from private to public is a big step!

  43. I've never really felt like I fit in anywhere in the blog world, either. Nowhere specific. I post recipes or how-to's. I overshare my feelings. I take pictures of avocado toast. I answer questions and share music.
    But I've made a point to only do what makes me feel good. To not say anything just because I haven't posted in a while–don't be chained to a schedule. To not feel bad because I feel like I need to appeal to a specific group. To only write when I really feel inspired.
    And I LOVE to read other blogs like mine. That's why I read yours and that's why I'm inspired by yours.
    So, thanks so much for how real you are. And thanks for sharing your pie with us.
    PS It IS raining where I live, in Kansas.

    • MArlowe is so weird. Sometimes she's all about "Mama, I want to be shy. I don't want to say hi, mama" and then other times (like with you) "SHOW MY ROOM SHOW MY ROOM" *trapped forever*

  44. Drea, I find your "ramblings" truly refreshing, real, and raw. Keep doing you!

  45. Dear Drea,
    you are one of the first blogs I found on the good old net and I LOVE you. Totally adore you. I love that you are so unique, honest, and real, and that you write about things close to your heart and not to get the most amount of hits. Please don't ever change.

    The feeling of not really fitting into any of the blogging niches? I know it so well. And on not-so-good days I doubt myself, feeling like I'm not a "real" blogger. (My blog is only 4 months old and small, but it's my beloved baby and I adore it.)

    Reading that you feel like that is crazy to me: comforting (yay, someone else has doubts, too!) yet unbelievable (your blog is a-mazing, you will be in the American blogger film, you are huge and great and fabulous!).

    Anyways, my point is: please never change, and please don't ever stop!

    xx Miriam

  46. This post is just a breath of fresh air. It's great to know that there are "big name bloggers" out there who still don't have it all figured out. My blog is still so little but the one conclusion I've come to is that I don't want to sell out. I don't want to promote things I don't believe in just to gain numbers or not speak about the things I'm passionate about — because I must admit, that is why I started writing and sharing my heart in the first place. The truth of the matter is that no matter what we write (for the most part) we are bound to offend someone and it's unfortunate that it causes wonderful people such as yourself to just avoid the topics all together. I think autenthicity is one of the biggest way bloggers connect and that usually means stating what you believe in life and people choosing to agree or disagree. I hope you do find your balance! Keep on ramblin,girl!

    On a side note, I couldn't help but laugh when you gave your mom a shoutout haha.

  47. you are so hilarious! i seriously love your blog. thanks for always being so honest and real. you fill a much needed space in the blog world 🙂


  48. this was such a great post! as a very new blogger, i feel the same way. there's not really one category of blogging that i fit into, but i think that's ok. i think that's what's pretty nice about the blog world – you can kinda do your own thing. now, obviously i haven't seen much of the business side yet but i don't feel the pressure yet to categorize the blog. i really do enjoy your blog & hope you continue with it! i like seeing such a variety of things on your site!

  49. I am so excited for Chris's documentary. I have been following your (and alot others being filmed) blog for a few years now. Thank you for being honest and real! It's refreshing, to say the least 🙂

  50. wow, loved this post. I, myself, have been wondering the same thing… where exactly do I belong in the blogsphere. That question (which yet needs an answer) has let me to put somewhat of a pause on my blogging. I want it to always be something that I enjoy and I never want it to feel like a chore. It was starting to. I found myself trying to look for subjects constantly in order to post more often which led to a lack of authenticity and honesty… it just wasn't me. It slowly became an image of someone who i though i should be. I hated it. so on march (i remember that exact moment) it all changed and even though I only post once a month or so at least when i do is when i have something i really want to share. Maybe one day I'll find my niche and stick with, or not, we'll see ;). You have a beautiful blog with beautiful writing darling. I truly enjoy it.