Protein, fiber, omegas, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and yumminess! This smoothie beverage totally has it all. It’s super easy, quick, and will cure just about any chocolate craving. There’s no dairy, no sodium, no cholesterol, and no refined sugar (all depending on the milk you use of course). If you don’t care for avocado, sub half a banana. And if you’re aiming for a more raw food life style, simply make your own nut milk! Soak nuts (almonds or cashews work great) overnight, discard water, and blend until smooth with refreshed water (three cups water to one cup nuts).
This is great for:
anyone looking for a healthy snack
picky kiddos needing more fiber, vitamins, or just healthy stuff in general
pregnant ladies! protein protein protein and fiber fiber fiber. SO important when pregnant.
nursing mamas… use coconut milk! Coconut is supposedly GREAT for your breast milk supply. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve heard the rumors… and even if it’s not true… how amazingly rich and delicious would this be with coconut milk!? plus good fats and calories are a thumbs up.
1- 1 1/4 cup milk of your choice (we tend to stick to almond milk in this house)*
quarter avocado (or banana)
two squares raw cocao goji energy bars**
four dates, pitted.
*milk amounts will vary by how thick you want your drink. It’s an incredibly filling snack— and has enough calories and nutrients to be a whole meal. Adding a bit more milk will make it a little lighter and can maybe make a bit more in case you feel like sharing need to share.
**we found these little health superfood gems in the bulk bin at whole foods, but you can find them by different companies and packaged at many health food stores. Or you can order a bag through amazon.
Make sure you pit your dates and peel your avocado. Stick everything in blender and process until smooth. Voila.
It’s really freaking good (and good for you).


  1. Another thing about dates! For pregnant women, there's a study that has been brought to my attention in recent months from all over the place-a natural mama blog, my Bradley Method instructor, AND my midwives have pointed it out recently. Wait. "Preggo brain" moment. Maybe I'm the one who brought it up at one of the prenatal groups with my midwives at my birthing center. Either way. Here ya go! Eating dates in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy supposedly helps big time with labor.

  2. I came across your blog through Bridget today and I must say that I'm smitten. I love the recipe posts, the blog layout, and the lifestyle. I'll definitely be checking back in soon!

  3. never thought of adding avocado to a smoothie before, but so smart! it for sure makes it super creamy just like yogurt/ice cream would!

  4. This sounds absolutely delicious; chocolate, and it's healthy, I will be trying this one on everyone in this house.

  5. yum! i am a huge smoothie/milkshake fan and am always looking for new healthy recipes :).