Hi friends! How are you?! I’m pretty swell. The windows are open. A cool breeze is coming in. I have a cup of tea next to me. And I’m wearing a one piece jumpsuit that feels like a giant pajama sack— or something like that. I just got done organizing some stuff online / on my computer (but it’s never organized and completed enough, right?). I was scrolling through my posts in draft to stir up some ideas for next weeks posts and this one popped up.
And I thought, “well a love post might be fitting for valentine’s day” — not that we really celebrate valentines day. And honestly, I feel like maybe a lot of people don’t anymore? But that could just be in my head. But love is grand. And this day was grand. And well, like I told you guys, I don’t want to let life pas me by without documenting the good stuff (and the hard stuff too– but lately life has been better than not– so that’s good!). So I thought I’d share these moments from last years wedding Alex and I attended in New Orleans.
The wedding was for my friend Katie and Marcus. I was Katie’s prom date in high school– so yeah, our relationship is pretty serious 😉
I don’t have a lot of posts from our trip to New Orleans (though there is a great New Orleans vegan restaurant guide if you guys want that), but Alex and I had a really amazing time. It was good to get away just the two of us. It’s usually me and my tiny date (ahem Marlowe) that are traveling together these days. Not so much Alex. It’s nice to get out with him.And honestly, even cute to see him slightly drunk this day. As, that’s not something that happens very often. The last time I saw it happen was when Marlowe turned three— so yeah a rare, but funny occurrence.
My lady and not a half bad photo. Well, the first one anyway.
They had a small ceremony that followed with a big bang– a first line through the streets of New Orleans.
If you can’t tell by my face, it was pretty wonderful. Even Alex is smiling. Which, if you know him in real life, he’s got more of a serious face on at all times. And for a long time, that might have been just because he was in fact not the cheeriest person. And it made things rough for us. Really rough. But over the last three years or so– he’s changed. A LOT. And while he may not have the biggest smile on at all times, he is happy. And it feels good. Really good. You know, I talked about our marriage not too long ago. It was definitely a rough road to get here. But we’re here. And honestly, I feel like we should host our own second line to celebrate the fact that we got here.
You guys want to join our second line celebration?
Cause this one was so good– I even storied it, haha.
I like this photo a lot. But if I’m being completely honest– I get WEIRD when there is a camera around me. I’m hyper aware of it. I’m usually trying to hide from it– unless you know, I’m intentionally taking photos of myself– otherwise avoid avoid avoid. I’m sure Joe (the photographer who took this photo) has a million award photos of me in the background. But I’m happy her got some very real photos of me too. Awkward, but cool, haha.
Also, I have to say if you guys ever need a wedding photographer, Joe is amazing. Like, if we had a wedding, we’d probably hire him. I stole some of these photos from him. Curious which ones? The good ones are his, haha. Anyway, he’s based in Massachusetts. But obviously travels well 😉 And he’s got an adorable vegan family so there is an extra win. He’s great.
The serious faces. This must be the face of married men.
The not so serious faces. This must be the face of people in love. Also the face of someone who REALLY wanted crepes and planned to sneak away and get crepes– but then found the crepe cart had closed about 15 minutes earlier and wanted to cry… but then didn’t cry cause everything else was still awesome.
Blurry happiness.
Dirty happiness.
This is me. At night. Out with friends. And sparkles. And not in bed. Perfect.
And there was late night beignets. Well, for the other folks. Not for me. But I thought it was with documenting anyway. I got super wild and had a few sips of coffee, haha.
The real couple of this day 😉
I don’t know, guys. I know this blog is all over the place– it always has been. And sometimes I think to myself, “I should post more useful things” but then I remember that I started this really to document all the little things– even a boring Monday. And doing that got me here. And here, now, I just want to share the things that make me happy. And some of those things will be useful. And some of those thing will just be happy or hard moments in life. Well, most of those things really.
And these photos from these moments in New Orleans, well they were certainly not hard. They were good. Really good. And it’s hard to believe that almost a year has past since I’ve lived them. And really, maybe I should have waited another month and a half or so and posted the for their anniversary, but I dont like to plan that way. Or really at all. I just like to live. Fluidity: it’s key for me.
So here we are on valentine’s day, a day I really don’t celebrate, with me posting about love, because it just felt right in the moment. Love is grand. It can be complicated and messy. And sometimes really truly trying. But the difficult moments make it grand too. There can’t be strong emotions, good or bad, unless it’s caused by a powerful force.
And though he’ll probably never read this, Happy Valentines Day Alex. Thank you for letting me be me, someone with a forever need to be fluid and unrestricted. Somehow this works, and I’m grateful for it.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, friends!
photos 2,8,9,10, 15,17 are all by Joe Gonzalez-Dufresne
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