Hi guys! How are you?! If this posts at the right time– well, then we should be somewhere between home and Guatemala! We’ll see! It’s going to be a long day. Leaving home at 7 something and probably won’t get to our place in Guatemala til 7 pm! eep! Just hoping for the best! Anyway– Totally mixing it up today with something new! A video conversation πŸ™‚ A few months ago I opened up the “ask me anything” button on Instagram and a TON of questions came in. Seriously, a ton. So Marlowe and I have created two videos to answer those questions. One will be a video and an assortment of random life questions. But today’s video will be more specific: a conversation revolving around veganism, fruitarianism, and all things food!

Depending on where you live, I’m sure it’s not super common to meet a fruitarian based family/kid or even a vegan kid for that matter. And while I could totally see Marlowe creating posts for this space one ay if she wants to, I thought this would be a bit fun to hear firsthand from her (and myself) our thoughts on the foodstuff.

While I could personally go on for a long, long time on all things food and health-related, today’s video specifically answers the questions you guys asked πŸ™‚ Remember, this is all personal option– you guys do you– we’re just sharing what makes US feel best πŸ™‚ Β As a general rule, you should never take me– or life in general too seriously πŸ˜‰ You’ll cut years off your life that way, haha!

Anyway! I would love to hear your thoughts on whether or not you like video format, or if you would prefer future topics mentioned to be in standard blog form πŸ™‚ Either way, I hope you enjoy it! Cheers friends!


playa del carmen vegan food guide.
green papaya recipe.
vegan guide.
refurbished vitamix.
what we eat
what I eat:
what Marlowe eats

1 Comment

  1. Love love love the video! So cute! It’s really awesome how in video and writing you come across as someone who just cares about the planet and not pushy. For your noodle dishes do you have a brand or type of noodles that has minimal processing? I love pasta but am having a hard time finding a good replacement. Are you guys zero waste? Or minimal waste? Or anything like that?