Longer morning walks in this beautiful sun-shining weather wear the little one out creating nap time: allowing mama time to sew in the afternoon. This morning I slid Marlowe into the sling and stuck a sun hat on her head. We were fully equipped with sunscreen and packages to be shipped for our walk to the post office. Afterwards we walked past the record store a few times which was randomly closed so we decided to check out a few antique stores before heading back home. The weather was perfect and we made a few nice finds for each of us. A purse for mama and a new (to us) christmas ornament for the collection I am creating for Marlowe. But the absolute best find of all will have to wait until I can pick it up tomorrow. I’m beyond excited. It’s the most perfect gift for Marlowe.

I found this lovely 60’s purse which will be perfect for our daytime strolls around the neighborhood when a diaper bag just isn’t necessary.
After our stroll Marlowe slept while I munched on some leftovers and started sewing some little veggie rattles to sell at the fair:
Almost an eggplant!
Attacked on the forehead by a felt speck. Rawr. 

Well, like I mentioned I would like to host my own little giveaway. I didn’t think I would get 4 new followers so quick though! I didn’t plan that very well at all! I’d better start making something ASAP. I hope to have a cute something or other made by the end of the week. We’ll see how quick I can have something made while making veggie rattles and having Marlowe’s teeth aching πŸ™‚


  1. yes yes i too would like to know where those ottomans are from! they're amazing! as is the rug to the left of them. your place looks amazing!

  2. I love the eggplant and the purse is lovely on you : ) lol at the little green speck on her forehead, she is just too cute for words! Enjoy your week and productive nap time sewing : )

  3. Like the other ladies above, I'm so jealous of your walks. I tried to go out this morning but couldn't navigate my stroller through the snow πŸ™ .. we only made it around the corner, but it was better then nothing. Marlowe is so cute, I love her little outfits.. mama has great style!

  4. so jealous! i wish i could take my babe for a walk but its just too cold and snowy! your house is just so cute! i love all the colors, and especially those ottomans behind you with the zig-zag print, where did you get them? id love some to brighten up my place! you have great home-style!

  5. Marlowe has gotten so big in this last week! I can totally see a difference in her. πŸ™‚
    I miss morning walks with Lily in the bjorn. Those were such wonderful bonding times. Not that now are not but it's just different having her in the stroller.
    Love the new purse. You always look fab!

  6. I can't wait for nicer weather so we can start going on walks again. It's FREEZING here today!

    I can't WAIT until the giveaway! πŸ™‚

  7. taking a nice long walk is a cure all for ANY baby. I'd almost put money on it :] violet has her last two teeth coming in and it has been the worst yet! I just take her outside and let her play in the mud and she forgets all her worries. cute cute hair by the way

  8. I am so jealous of your walks and your shopping. Ava and I have been stuck at home due to this nasty winter storm. Do you sell your little rattles because I definitely think you should. They look adorable. And Marlowe's crab crawl made me laugh so hard. P.S. Your apartment is super cute from what you've shown on the blog. Would you ever do a little apartment tour on your blog?