
As mentioned, Marlowe is a traveling champion. The flight to Massachusetts could not have been easier. Marlowe ran around a bit playing with toys and my jewelry and waving at everyone until boarding time. Once on the plane, Marlowe fell asleep within the first 10 minutes while nursing and stayed asleep for about half the plane ride. (Scheduling trips around nap time = smart). She woke up and was happy to find lots of snacks, toys and a whole empty seat next to her to play in. She only began to get a bit restless in the last 20 minutes, but pulled through with no tears throughout the whole flight. My mom picked us up, I set up the car seat, and we drove an hour into Worcester with no problems.

The flight back was a tad bit disappointing. The airport was incredibly crowded and once we made it through security we had to make our way to the very last gate in the terminal—– once we arrived we had found that the gate had changed and had to make our way all the way back towards the beginning. There were no seats. We sat against the wall for 30 minutes while all the flights around us got cancelled—- ours didn’t, but instead we had a three (four) hour delay. Of course, our gate was moved again not very long after— and we were again stranded with no seats for half the wait. To top it all off, Marlowe was suffering from a fever (most likely due to teething— she has no other symptoms other than lots of drool and biting mama). Marlowe nursed and fell asleep on me while we sat on the floor (again— we had booked our flight to hopefully sync with nap time). Soon enough mama and sleeping baby moved to a chair to sit for the rest of the wait. Marlowe woke up in great spirits, made some friends, and then it was finally time to board the plane. The flight was long (not actually long, but felt long) and ridiculously crowded. We had a 14 year old boy next to us. He was happy to have Marlowe next to him and gave her tons of high fives and even offered to share his peanut butter sandwich with her. We kindly said no thank you. Again, no tears from Marlowe— just lots of snacks and toys and a nap towards the end of the flight until we finally arrived to West Palm at midnight.

I’m pretty impressed with our first time solo-traveling experience. I wanted to hang my head and cry when the delay was announced, and head back to Worcester to my moms for another week. But I sucked it up and we both pulled through. I’m a lucky mama to have such a good little traveler by my side.

bow: c/o up a tree cup a tea
tank: american apparel
Sorry I’ve been absent while away. There turned out to be a few unexpected surprises and events while away. I have so many photos to share from vacation! I hope everyone had a lovely week! <3<3 


  1. Yayyyy love the cutie pix!! Missed your posts and looking forward to the trip photos and any and all stories!! <3xojo
    P.S. I'm glad the flight wasn't too tough.

  2. That's fabulous that traveling is no problem! Good for both of you. I couldn't imagine flying with a baby-I'm stressed out enough myself.

  3. Great job baby girl!! What a relief and proud Mama moment when you can get through a traveling experience unscathed! can't wait to see more photos from your trip!

  4. Oh my goodness…those eyelashes are to die for! She's so adorable! Happy to hear you had good travels – that is definitely one thing that stresses me out about my future kiddos.

  5. OH my gosh! she is sooo cute. i'm a new follower and i seriously can't get enough πŸ™‚

    glad your trip went well! (other than the airport on your way back, of course)

  6. happy to hear all went well. layovers suck! i'm hoping my flight to Portugal with Lily (no Will) in October will be smooth. It should be since we depart at 11pm and she should be so tired by then.

    Also, got my gc from bakery πŸ™‚

  7. That is great that she is such a good traveler! And the cutest one ever too πŸ™‚

  8. Yay for good baby travels! And my mom/family also lives in Worcester. What a small, small world πŸ™‚

  9. Marlowe sounds like a wonderful traveller despite the teething and trip back. You're so lucky.

  10. man oh man…. i have a feeling your next post with all the updates will get some interesting comments. are you ready? lol.

    yay for marlowe doing awesome, and for you doing awesome too! are you getting more comfortable with flying now?