This space is very much a work space. It was one of the last rooms to be worked on (there’s still the laundry room and my sound recording room… yeah… a sound recording room to be done). I pulled out the carpets… and debated… for a very long time what I would do with the floors. I opted to… well, to do nothing… I mean, it is a workspace after all. There will be many days of painting, coloring, and all sorts of messes in this space. For now, it’s been my extreme elving factory filled with yarn, felt, and wood in every space. Yeah, I’ve been busy in this space… well, when it’s not excessively hot outside, otherwise it’s been a holding space, while I sit on the couch and work away, with a sleeping baby, a glass of wine, and some really terrible (most of the time girly) television show on my computer 😉
On the near future to do list: Not much. Fix up the chandelier. Maybe a small coffee table for Marlowe to sit at (I have major regret not grabbing the one on the curb in my brothers neighborhood). Closet doors, or a drape, then maybe, moving the rest of the art stuff out of the living room storage and into this space. And either a large piece of art or mirror for behind the couch. Maybe curtains. 
Eventually: I’d like to turn this space into a bit more of a guest friendly space. Maybe a small dresser and a better sleeper sofa. But you know, thats not anytime soon. Not until the furniture fairies leave that stuff on some neighborhood curb for me to fix up 🙂  
The walls: WHISPER
The molding: BUZZ
and the before…..


  1. I'm a bit jealous of your work space! It's so nice and open with everything available. I have to climb around my laundry room to find my stuff and let's face it, that's a motivation killer.


  2. Those piles of rings are serious business! Wow! I'm reminded looking at this that I haven't had a workspace to call my own in three years since we moved things around so everyone had a place to sleep. When I work during the day it's on a surface that is also where we eat dinner most nights, so I've got to pick it all up, put it in a cabinet that almost never stays organized, and then take it all out again if I want to work after the kids go to bed. NOT IDEAL. You've got ideal! Looks dreamy! xo

  3. looking good. i still say a big mirror over the couch. that way you can get a different perspective on things 😉

  4. NIcely done! I love all the bright colors and the unique touches like the skeleton pillow.

  5. I have that binder stuck on those shelves! I always succumb to pretty office supplies, even if they are a little spendy.

    • It's empty. heh. It was my "wedding binder" my friend made me get to organize plans. Never used. ha.