baked brown rice spring rolls + dipping sauce (ginger sauce recipe in cookbook)

lentil shepards pie! she had been asking for this for a while and was super happy. recipe in cookbook.

beans and rice + side of roasted broccoli. she’s been loving roasted broccoli. I do too, unfortunately broccoli is not one of those things that works post c. diff in my gut. WAH. 

on the real lazy days we’ve been going to the indian buffet lately. such an amazing guilty pleasure. Marlowe is obsessed with the yellow dal. She eats like, three servings! haha. + a side or rice and delicious battered and fried veggies.

easy tomato pasta (recipe in cookbook) + more roasted broccoli, + raw carrots. 

green soup side of pita chips. (recipe in cookbook) 

more spring rolls + dipping sauce + side of millet (odd, I know) 

chickpea patties, kale chips, cauliflower mash, dollop of veganaise (sp?)

another day, another curry + brown rice + millet. she need up stealing my avocado too. 

taco party. 

did i post this yet? if not, banana smoothie. usually in the morning when we’re too tired to function she gets her own fruit or we make her a suer easy (milk + a fruit+ smoothie) to hold her over until we make real breakfast.

avocado toast forever + chia seeds, olive oil, salt. 



  1. I made a wild mushroom and lentil shepards pie last night, got distracted and ended up forgetting to put in the lentils!! The potato had already gone on top when I noticed. Doh, we had them on the side.

  2. I don't usually have problems with newar tastes…but I could not go with the cauliflower mash. It was really odd to me 🙂