Garden love, garden love. I miss my garden. I mean, sort of. It’s 200 degrees in florida right now, so even if I was home, I don’t think I could really enjoy this space– but I do miss it regardless. And I do very much look forward to our florida winter when vegetables will be plenty and the weather will only be 199 instead of 200 😉  It wasn’t too too bad before I came up north— but now that I’m making plans to go back, I’m looking at my calendar and thinking, ‘do I really want to go back to florida in AUGUST?’ errrr, no. But we’ll see.

Anyway, Alex has still been working away at our garden. Checking out plant sales, doing all the garden-y things he loves best (and probably skipping the weeding part, though I don’t blame him with this heat). He bought us a neem tree, turmeric, ginger, and some other goodies this week. I’m looking forward to using those!

Also, he and I have both been super excited, because we teamed up with Edyn this summer— aka the most amazing gardening tool in the world. Seriously, if you’re into gardening at all (small backyard plot or massive homesteading), then you’ll LOVE the Edyn.

It’s the most awesome device that you plop right into your soil, connect to your phone (via wifi) and it tells you everything you need to know about your space. Is your soil wet enough? Nutritious enough? Sunny enough? Shady enough? You don’t have to guess anymore. It measures all of that for you— and you get all the results right on your phone. How amazing is that? So even while I sit here, 3,000 miles away from my home, I know whats going on in our garden beds. And also awesome, they even have a water valve tool— we don’t have an irrigation system set up yet, but I know Alex has really wanted to instal one– and I really haven’t– but now? I’m totally in. I thought it would be wasteful to have an irrigation system— the rain is so hit and miss in Florida and things can easily get overwatered, but with the Edyn system, that only gives off water when the soil needs it? Well, I’m in.

my plants love me^^^

Edyn will also tell you what plants are ideal for your soil and environment. And you can update the app to know what plants are in your garden—- thennnn Edyn can tell you at what stage they’re at and if it’s time to harvest! Pretty neat, right? I think so.

You can order yours online or pick one up at home depot 🙂

Looking for more garden posts or some garden diys/how to’s? Check them out HERE.

Happy gardening, friends!

*photos of me and M by chelsae anne


  1. Drea, your hair has gotten so long! But, the real reason I had to comment was to let you know that I just recently got the same elephant watering can Marlowe's using in that photo of her watering your garden! Can you believe someone was selling that at a yard sale? I thought it was a pretty good find 🙂

  2. I love to see how your garden's growing. Well done on the perfect soil! CJ xx

  3. I'm curious if it works that well yet and if it is able to tell you which nutrients are sufficient, which are low and the pH of the soil? It looks fairly new still and the reviews on it say it isn't very effective and gives really poor inconsistent readings. $100 is a lot to spend for a lot of people! I'd be really hesitant if it wasn't very accurate. It is however, such an awesome concept! Once it gets a little bit more reliable, I think this could be so useful for those who travel and have it hooked to irrigation to water as often as needed.