How are you guys?! I’m currently moderately (okay, highly) stressed trying to get everything in order for our upcoming travels. We’ll be traveling for about a month and a half, before coming back to the states, dropping off Marlowe, and heading to the south for a wedding. It’s sort of a lot, haha! All this while trying to stay healthy and alive through winter in Massachusetts! Easier said than done.
As you guys know, I try to stay on the side of natural over processed. Like, if you guys offered me a herbal remedy or a chemical one, I’m going to choose the natural one… even if the chemical one came with a 100$ bonus, haha. And I stick by that. On top of basic self care (sleep, mindfulness, eating well), I do still take vitamins and supplements. I started focusing on a lot of herbs after I got really sick and haven’t looked back.
Different herbal supplements for different benefits. I just want to stay on top of my health game as much as possible, and if taking an herbal supplement can aid me in that (and not cause harm) then why not? Herbs have been used by humans for centuries upon centuries. Go to any small village in India, Guatemala, wherever and you will find people using natural items from the earth to aid in their health. And it’s not because they can’t make the walk into a pharmacy, it’s because these people trust herbs. And actually, a lot of ‘pharmacies’ offer herbs as the prescription in other countries! Ever saw an acupuncturist? Then you know what I’m talking about! It’s rows and rows of herbs! Herbs work.
And here’s the thing. While it’s totally possible to go out in the world and harvest many herbs yourself, it’s just not feasible for many of us in this world. When I was in Florida, I could harvest turmeric. But in my moms house in Massachusetts? Well, it’s not as easily found… or grown. And so a supplement works for me in these times.
And that’s the thing about health, you have to be realistic and honest with ourselves. What can we manage? What is possible? Things we know: we can grow a lot of things ourselves, but not everything… and in those times, herbal supplements make sense. They also make sense for me for travel! You can’t bring fresh herbs when you travel. Well, if we want to get really specific, you can within the country, but you can’t when crossing borders! But you can totally bring capsuled herbal supplements! This also works well because you have your dose already laid out for you.
Butttttt, we also know that we can’t expect to eat like complete garbage and deprive ourselves from sleep and then think that taking a turmeric capsule is going to be the cure-all, it won’t. Herbs are amazing… but they are best used as a complementary addition to already doing what you can to take care of yourself. Does that make sense? They support you, but you have to support yourself first!
Also! I bet you’ve never seen a prettier capsule! Look at the color! Naturally yellow orangey goodness!
I believe in the power of herbs. I take garlic and ginger to support my immune system!* Marshmallow when I have a scratchy throat. Red clover also helps aid in boosting my immune system.* And turmeric… well.. I basically take it all the time and for everything, haha.
I’d suggest you research herbs (and improving your overall diet too) if you have something ailing you. You might be surprised at how easy incorporating natural remedies into your diet is and how it helps support your overall health! Our body is made to process natural items and our body gets thrown for a loop when trying to process new, made by machine and science items. Nature first, guys…it what’s your body understands and thrives from 🙂
Nature’s Way is a great company that I’ve used and trusted for years! You can search their website by health interest or product types to see what your lifestyle might benefit from 🙂 And best of all: most of their herbs are gluten free, veg friendly, and have zero artificial colors or flavoring! Win win win. Check it out!
And if you’re interested in more wellness or natural health posts, you can check them out here. Oh and if you do happen to be living somewhere where you can harvest fresh turmeric, try this turmeric drink recipe! Otherwise, stick with the packaged herbs haha!
*this post is sponsored by Nature’s Way. All opinions are my own! * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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